Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Psychosomatic disease (which is now better known as Psychophysiological disease), is a physical disease whose symptoms are caused by the mental process of the sufferer. If during a medical examination, no physical cause is found for the symptoms that appear, or if the disease arises as a result of an emotional condition, such as anger, depression, guilt, then this disease can be classified as a psychosomatic disease.
Psychosomatic is caused by various problems in a person's mind that trigger an emotional reaction. When, for example, someone feels depressed, stressed, and confused, the body will react to this thought. The average body reaction to depressed thoughts and / or stress is by increasing stomach acid (which triggers "stomach ulcers"), the appearance of dandruff symptoms on the head, the presence of itching around the skin throughout the body, or periodic nausea , all of that is usually caused by a burden in the mind.
This mind burden is often a "seed" for psychosomatic diseases, because if it is not immediately responded to (both resolved, translated, etc.), then the burden of the mind will be stronger in the subconscious mind, which slowly begins to show symptoms of illness physically.
a. What is psychosomatic?
b. What are the causes of psychosomatic?
c. How is therapy to cure psychosomatic?
A. Understanding Psychosomatic
Actually Psychosomatic Science is a new conception in Medical Science in the Western world, only found more than 30 years and in Indonesia was established starting in 1957. The term psychosomatic consists of two words, namely psycho which means soul and soma which means body.
Psychosomatic or somatization disorders are psychological disorders that cause physical disorders. In short, psychosomatic is a physical disease caused by negative thoughts and / or emotional problems. Emotional problems include feelings of sin, feeling of having a disease, stress, depression, disappointment, anxiety or other negative emotional problems. This disorder does not only occur in adults, children can experience it.
So psychosomatic means body diseases that arise from mental complaints. For example: people who feel afraid sometimes cause defecation. [1]
B. Psychosomatic factors and causes
In the psychosomatic section, a thorough examination of phycic sufferers was first carried out, even sent to the X-ray section. It turns out that the examination results from the X-ray are negative or okay. Then after that the patient is examined for his life history from childhood to adulthood. It turns out that the history of his life from childhood was full of complaints of the soul, difficult anxiety, sadness, irritation and others. And that's the predisposing factor. So her adult time suffered from headache, shortness of breath, palpitations, nausea, and that was what was called a precipitating factor. [2]
David Cheek M.D., and Leslie LeCron in his book 'Clinical Hypnotherapy (1968)', there are 7 things that can cause psychosomatic diseases:
1. Internal Conflict: self-conflict involving at least 2 parts.
2. Organ Language: the language a person uses to express his feelings.
3. Motivation / Secondary Gain: Benefits that can be received from someone with a physical illness, such as attention from parents, husband, wife, or environment, or avoid certain responsibilities.
4. Past Experience: A traumatic past experience that results in intense emotions in a person.
5. Identification: Disease arises because it identifies someone who is considered to have authority or a figure. Clients will experience pain as experienced by the authority figure.
6. Self Punishment: the subconscious mind makes the client sick because the client has a guilty feeling due to an act that is contrary to the life value that the client holds.
7. Imprint: A mind program that enters the client's subconscious mind when experiencing intense emotions. For example, parents say, "Don't get rain, then you can get the flu."
C. Therapies Used For Psychosomatic Treatments
Tebetts said there are 4 steps that must be taken to overcome psychosomatic diseases and overcome the symptoms with uncovering techniques:
1. Memory that causes the appearance of symptoms must be raised and brought to the conscious mind to be known.
2. Feelings or emotions related to this memory must be re-experienced and felt by the client.
3. Find the relationship between symptom and memory.
4. There must be emotional or at the level of the subconscious mind, so that someone makes decisions in the future, whose decisions are not affected by repressed content in the client's subconscious mind. [3]
When the reason for creating this psychosomatic disease is eliminated, then the subconscious mind has no reason to cause this disease in the future.
Psychosomatic disease is simple, but it takes an action that is not easy to resolve psychosomatic diseases, especially to explore the real causes, because that is one of the main keys in solving this problem. After the cause can be identified, the next action is a little simpler, which is to build a base of comfort in the psychosomatic sufferer against the conditions and problems that cause it. In other words, clarify what has happened, and try to find solutions in the future.
K.H. SS. Djam'an, Islam and Psikosomatis, Jakarta: Bulan Bintang Publisher, 1975
[1] K.H. SS. Djam'an, Islam and Psikosomatis, Jakarta: Bulan Bintang Publishers, 1975, Hal. 7
[2] Ibid, K.H. SS. Djam'an, Hal. 9
[3] http://hipnotiscenter.com/index.php/pdf/ApplicationBenefits-Hipnotis/apa-itu-psikosomatis.pdf. Accessed 20/10/2011/21: 27
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