Psychological assessment is a method for identifying individual similarities or differences based on their personal characteristics and capacities. Psychological assessment is carried out by collecting a number of comprehensive information that does not only come from psychological test results but also through other sources such as interviews, observations, or supporting documents. Although sometimes some laypeople see as equals, psychological assessment is different from giving a test. If the provision of psychological tests contains administrative procedures, administration, data scrutiny and interpretation, then the psychological assessment emphasizes the process of identifying individual information or problems through various integrated sources so that it displays in-depth and focused information.
Competence in conducting psychological assessment, then the author named psychology assessment competencies, which are basic competencies developed in psychology faculty students. This competency development is supported by a psychology education curriculum which contains many components of psychological assessment development. A number of courses are designed to improve students' ability to conduct psychological assessments, such as courses that contain assessment methods, such as observations, preparation of psychology and psycho-diagnostic scales or courses related to specific psychology fields, such as clinical psychology, education and development.
There is a general consensus that individuals who conduct psychological assessments are those who have completed psychology education and training. For example, the code of ethics published by APA shows that psychologists are expected to provide services, provide learning, and carry out research in accordance with their competency framework based on educational background, training and supervision of an expert.
* Data Identification
Client Name: Dian Purwaniati
Female gender
Job: -
Marital Status: Married
Address: Jalan Srikaton Dalam I RT 03 RW V Purwoyoso West Semarang
Place, Date of Birth: Semarang, February 9, 1986
Age: 25 years
Last Education: High School
Tribe: Javanese - Indonesian
Children to: 3 out of 3 siblings
* Client complaints and expectations
The client complains of feeling his chest often hurt and his head often feels dizzy. Recently, these symptoms are often felt after he resigns from his job as an employee in a garment factory behind Mbok Berek for about + months. Despite taking medication, the client feels the pain is not reduced. His heart often feels sick and feels uneasy when he is at home. Until finally the client decided to leave his house without saying goodbye since Thursday Night, December 15, 2011 and until now has not returned home. The client starts communicating with the Counselor since December 20, 2011, to date.
Hope the client only wants the pain he feels is gone and feels calm somewhere.
* Current situation
- Residence
The client lives with her parents, her sister, sister-in-law and 2 nephews. The situation in the client's home after the departure of the client from home looks like normal, it's just that the difference is the situation of the client's mother who is very sad, does not want to eat, and is very concerned about her child who does not go home.
- Client's Daily Activities
After the client resigns from his job, the client's daily life is only at home and sometimes looking for job vacancies. The daily activities of clients at home only sweep and fill bottles of drinking water. Then these clients are smsan hobbies and telephones who don't know time. And the client continues to worship as a Muslim (prayer). And the client is one of the people in the family who diligently prays and often goes to the mosque.
- Changes in Client's Life that Happen Within 1 Month
Seen from clients whose hobbies and phone calls turned out to make both parents and older sisters of the client wonder "with whom did the client actually communicate?" After they asked this, the client did not answer honestly. The client only answers that it is only his friend. From such behavior it turns out that his father and brother are furious and eventually often get angry at clients, speak harshly and often even drive clients away from home.
Once a day in a month the father of the client had slammed the client's cellphone because the client often smsaned. However, the position at that time the client was indeed in his free time and had finished the homework which was his responsibility. Then the client apologizes and prostrates at the foot of his father. However, his father did not forgive and said it was better for the client to leave home. Then in his daily life the client's brother always tells the client unnaturally (yelling, like talking to a maid) even though he said with his own sister. Until the child of his brother often says harshly with the client.
* Description of events
This client rarely gets the attention of the people around him. And his nature as a woman, this client also wants to feel loved by a man. Often these clients love some men, but often their love is unrequited. Until one day there is a man who loves this client and vice versa. However, the man who loved him did not have clear origins, had no job, had a disability around his eyes, and included a young child who often hung around in the area.
Knowing this, the client's father and sister did not approve of their relationship. Then the client is asked by his father to invite the man to visit the house. After the man came to the client's house, the client's father immediately greeted with a question that could make the man offended. It also makes the client hurt and never tells anyone in his house.
Like the attitude of a client who often communicates with a cellphone to someone, no family knows who the other person is talking to. This made her father and sister growl so often issued harsh words to clients and often expelled clients from home. Until the client decides to move from home and does not want to return home.
* Birth and Development
The birth of a client is actually not expected by both parents, because the client's parents already feel they have enough children, boys and girls. Various types of medicine are taken by the client's mother so that the fetus in the womb is killed. But on the contrary, the fetus becomes a child, the client. Because the medicine consumed is not good for fetal development, eventually this client is very long to think and it is very difficult to receive lessons. Then from the family environment the client also does not educate the client so that the client's brain development is unstable. When he entered elementary school, his IQ only reached a level of ignorance until he had to complete elementary school 9 years.
Education and Employment
- Client's Education History:
Kembangarum Elementary School 04-05 academic year 1993 - 2002
SLTP Dian Kartika school year 2002 - 2005
Senior High School Dian Kartika academic year 2005 - 2008
- Job:
The first time, the client worked in a flour mill in 2010. He works as a flour wrapper and cleans his workplace. Monthly income of + Rp.600,000. However, only half a year has survived, the client is included in the reduction of employees and inevitably has to leave the factory. Not long after the client took a sewing course for + 3 months. After that try to apply at the garment factory and be accepted. in this factory the client feels that the money received is not in accordance with the promise given by the factory personnel. During 4 months the client overtime is continuous until 12 o'clock at night, but never a dime receives overtime pay. And finally this client resigned from his job.
There are 6 contemporary approaches in psychology: behavior, psychodynamics, cognitive, behavioral neuroscience, evolutionary psychology, and sociocultural. Knowledge of these approaches is very important, because many debates and controversies in psychology reflect differences in the perspectives of researchers. When you look at these 6 approaches and how they can enlighten human thought and behavior, keep these 3 ideas in mind:
1. Although psychology can sometimes seem focused on individuals, humanity is very social. They need other people to satisfy their desires and needs. Parents, teachers, colleagues, friends and friends in close relationships play an important role in the life of our social relationships.
2. Theories can help us to understand human behavior in general, but there are still large individual variations. There are no 2 lives that go the same way. Classmates, parents and children, teachers and students, friends and love then find their differences. A mixture of genes and your experience cannot be duplicated.
3. Always remember that one approach does not need to be better than another. Some approaches are more useful in some situations and at certain times in the development of this field.
Ø Approach to behavior
The behavioral approach emphasizes scientific research regarding observable behavioral responses and determinants of their environment. in other words, behavioral approaches focus on interactions with the environment that can be seen and measured.
Ø Psychodynamic approach.
The psychodynamic approach emphasizes subconscious thinking, conflicts between biological instincts and social demand and early family experiences. This approach states that biological instincts that are not studied, especially sexuality and the impulses of aggression, affect the way a person thinks.
Ø Cognitive approach
Social cognitive theory emphasizes that behavior is not only determined by environmental conditions but also by how thoughts modify environmental influences on behavior. Focusing on mental processes involved in knowledge: how we continue our attention, see, remember, think and solve problems.
Ø Neuroscience approach
Emphasizing that the brain and nervous system are emphasizing that the brain and nervous system are central to understanding behavior, thoughts, and emotions. Neuroscientists believe that thought and emotion have a physical basis in the brain.
Ø Evolutionary Psychology Approach
The evolutionary psychology approach emphasizes the importance of functional goals and adaptation in explaining why behavior is formed, modified and survived.
David Buss states that only an evolution forms our physical features such as body shape and height. Evolution also indirectly influences how we make decisions, how aggressive we are, our fears, and our marriage patterns.
Ø Sociocultural approach
The socio-cultural approach explains a way in which the community and environmental culture influence behavior. The socio-cultural approach states that a full understanding of one's behavior requires knowledge of the context of the environment in which behavior occurs.
Of the six approaches above the counselor chooses a socio-cultural approach.
The socio-cultural approach explains a way in which the community and environmental culture influence behavior. The socio-cultural approach states that a full understanding of one's behavior requires knowledge of the context of the environment in which behavior occurs.
The socio-cultural approach is a perspective that emphasizes the observation of social behavior of a local community. This is felt to be appropriate given that Indonesian society in consuming consumption decisions is not based solely on personal consideration as an independent individual who stands alone, but is largely influenced by various cultural and social factors in which he lives. Thus it can be said that this socio-cultural approach seeks to portray the structure of local communities through the observation of various individuals who are part or members of a local community.
The socio-cultural approach assumes that abnormal behavior is caused not by factors in the individual person, but by the state of the environment, especially the social and cultural environment, including:
1. No social support
2. Labeling
Case data obtained illustrates that the conditions of the people around the client must be addressed first. Starting from the figure of father, sister, and other family members. Initially the counselor communicates with the client, tries to motivate the client, invites the client to self-introspection and builds the client's enthusiasm so that it does not down. Then the client is asked to remember the good side of each family member. But it turns out the client is only able to see the good side of his mother when remembering in addition to his mother (father and older sister), the client actually remembers the crime they are doing and the chest is getting sicker
Finally the client is asked to calm down and keep contacting his mother because at this time the client is not with the mother and father of the client. The client's father initially refused to acknowledge his violence, but eventually wanted to apologize to the client. Likewise her sister.
But the client is still unable to forgive because he still feels the heartache of the counselor constantly motivating, always reminding of the God who gives life, and always invites communication. Finally the client wants to return home after this new year.
The child is a gift from the Almighty God who must be cared for, cared for and guided properly. Children of any age still need attention and love from parents. All problems in the family will be light and quickly resolved if communication between family members is smooth and good, family members understand and appreciate each other and help each other weak.
Judging from this case, a client who feels pain in his chest and a head that is often dizzy starts from often harboring pain. The medicine for the pain is to treat his heart first, then must be more patient and look at the positive side. This drug is present in the client himself and also the support of the client environment. In addition, clients must be able to be more open with other people who can be invited to share well so that clients do not think about their own problems to find a way out. This will reduce the headaches that clients suffer from. Getting away from home or running away from a problem to find peace is not the best way. The best way is in communication.
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