Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Mental Illness


According to Darajat (1996) abnormalities are divided into two groups, namely mental disorders (neurosa) and mental illness (psychose). There is a difference between neurosa and psychose. The person affected by neurose still knows and feels the difficulty, otherwise the person affected by psychose does not. Besides that, people who are affected by neurosis are not far from reality and are still in reality in general. And the person affected by his personality psychosis (in terms of responses, feelings / emotions and impulses) is very disturbed, there is no integrity and he lives away from the realm of reality.

In the past, it was explained about mental disorders that occur in humans. And now I will explain a little about mental illness.


a. What is mental illness?

b. What includes mental illness?


A. Understanding Mental Pain

Mental pain commonly referred to as psychosis is a mental disorder with a sense of reality. According to Singgih D. Gunarsa psychosis is a mental disorder that includes the whole personality so that the sufferer cannot adjust to the norms of life that are natural and generally accepted. This fact can be known based on disturbances in feelings, thoughts, volition, motor, etc. so heavy that the patient's behavior no longer matches reality. The behavior of psychosis sufferers cannot be understood by normal people, so ordinary people call sufferers crazy.

Speaking of psychosis, Zakiah Darajat stated as follows. A person who is attacked by mental illness (psychose) has a disturbed personality and subsequently causes a lack of ability to adjust properly and is unable to understand the problem. Often mentally ill people do not feel that they are sick, instead they consider themselves normal, even better, superior, and more important than others. [1]

B. Miscellaneous Mental Pain

A person who is attacked by mental illness (Psychose), his personality is interrupted, and then he is less able to adjust to a natural, and unable to understand the problem. Often people who are mentally ill, do not feel that he is sick, on the contrary he thinks that he is normal, even better, superior and more important than others.

There are 2 kinds of mental illness, namely:

First: Organic psychosis caused by damage to a member of the body, such as the brain, central nerve or loss of the ability of various glands so that patients experience social incompetence. This may be caused by poisoning due to liquor, stimulant or narcotic drugs, due to dirty diseases and so on.

Second: Functional psychosis caused by mental disorders that have dragged on to reach its peak without a reasonable resolution or loss of mental balance as a whole, due to the atmosphere of a very stressful environment, inner tension and so on. [2]

Functional psychosis is a functional mental illness that is severe and non-organic in nature, characterized by personality disintegration or severe social maladjunction; the person is unable to hold social relations with the outside world, often disconnected from the reality of life, then becomes socially incompetent. There is also a disturbance of intellectual character and function. [3]

The types of psychosis that are classified as organic psychoses are as follows:

1. Alcoholic psychosis, occurs because the function of brain tissue is disrupted or damaged by drinking too much alcohol.

2. Drug Psychose or psychosis due to illegal drugs (marijuana, LSD, cocaine, methamphetamine, etc.)

3. Traumaric psychosis is a psychosis that occurs due to injury or trauma to the head due to being hit, shot, accident, etc.

4. Dementia paralytica is psychosis that occurs due to syphilis infection which then causes damage to brain cells. [4]

Functional psychosis is divided into several, namely: schizophrenia, manic depressive psychosis and paranoid psychosis.

a. Schizophrenia

Uegen Bleuler (1867-1939), a Swiss psychiatrist introduced the term schizophrenia, this term is based on Greek schitos meaning that it is split / split and phren means mind. literally schizophrenia means the mind / soul that is divided / divided. Bleuler emphasizes the pattern of behavior, namely the lack of integration of the brain that influences thoughts, feelings and affections. thus there is no correspondence between mind and emotion, the real perception of reality. [5]

Schizophrenia is a form of madness for personal disintegration, emotional and intellectual behavior that is ambigious and seriously disturbed; experience total regression or dementia. Many patients escape from the reality of life and dwell in a fantasy world.
Common symptoms of schizophrenia are as follows:
1. Physical symptoms; there is a motoric disorder in the form of physical retardation, slow movement. his behavior becomes stereotypical, but sometimes there are slow motor movements, irregular, and stiff, or his behavior becomes eccentric weird.
2. Psychic symptoms:
a) Intelligence and memory become very backward. He became very introverted and dreamed of day or daydreamer. There is not very little contact with the environment. Tendency to become autistic is very strong.
b) Patients experience regression or mental degeneration, so they become indifferent and apathetic, without interest in the surrounding world, without social contact.
c) Affection and feelings of intimacy are thinning out. Being dirty and dirty; do not know shy, like to show the tools of his darkness; and often behave a morally.
d) He is subjected to various false thoughts and thoughts, hallucinations, delusions, and wrong illusions.
e) He likes to compose new words or terms, without meaning anything or shortened words and swallowed them.
f) The emotions are disturbed a lot. He became completely indifferent to himself and his environment, apathy and introverted once.
g) Personality disorder is a total mental breakdown. Suddenly he could be overwhelmed by a feeling of hatred and resentment. [6]
Schizophrenia is divided into categories, namely:
1. Schizophrenia hebefrenik, (hebefrenic = mental / mental collection)
Hebefrenic means: mentally or mentally dull. Common symptoms of bebefrenic schizophrenia are as follows:
a) There is a reaction of crazy attitude and behavior, laughing, then crying. Irritable or very irritable. Sarcasm is often encountered and becomes angry or explosive without a cause.
b) His mind is always wandering, smiling a lot and the face of the perot (grimassen) without stimulation. Hallucinations and delusions are usually strange, short and fast changing.
c) There is total regression, becoming childish [7]
2. Catatonic schizophrenia (catatonic)
Patients like being stiff (catatonic: stiff). The characteristics are as follows:
a. The veins become stiff and experience choreaflexibility (waxflexibility), ie the body becomes stiff frozen like night, tends towards extreme negativism.
b. He often suffers from catalepsy, which is an unconscious state as in a trance condition. The whole body becomes stiff, not solid, and cannot be bent. If he has taken a certain position, such as standing, squatting, feet above and head down, tilting, etc., then he can act this way for hours or days. Himself as in a hypnotic sleep state (subject to magic).
c. There is a stereotypical pattern of behavior, strange or strange movements or movements, which are not controlled by will.
d. There are symptoms of stupor, which can feel, like being drugged. His attitude is very negative and passive, accompanied by delusions of death, just want to die. There is no interesse at all around him, without social contact. Patients continue to be silent (mutism) for a long time. He becomes autistic and negative.
e. Sometimes accompanied by catatonic excitement that is to be explosive and noisy, frenzied, without cause and without any purpose. Experience total regression.
3. Paranoid schizophernia
Patients are covered in various types of delusions and allusions that continue to change their patterns and are irregular, and chaotic. There is delusion of persection, often feeling jealous, jealous and suspicious. In general, his emotions were frozen, and he was very apathetic.
Patients appear to be more sane and not very odd and strange when compared with other types of schizophernia. But in general he is very hostile towards anyone, feeling himself important, and grand (grandieus). Often very religious fanatics are superfluous and sometimes hypochondric. [8]

4. Residual Schizophrenia
People who experience residual schizophrenia are the negative symptoms of prominent schizophrenia such as slow psychomotor, decreased activity, accumulating affect, passivity and no initiative, poor quantity or content of speech, bad non-verbal communication, as in facial expressions, modulation voice and body position and self-care and a position of poor social performance; there is at least a history of a clear psychotic episode in the past. [9]
Prognosis and healing for schizophrenia in general:
- Schizophrenia in general is very little possibility of recovery, especially if the condition is already severe. Treatment with: quur drugs.
- The important preventive efforts include: avoiding frustrations and psychological difficulties. Creating healthy and good social contacts. Familiarize patients with a positive attitude, and want to see the future with a sense of courage. Dare he takes a firm attitude in dealing with reality with a positive feeling, and try to make him become an extrovert.
b. Psychosis Manic Depressive
In the manic stage it means understanding, crazy, angry, dark eyes, the patient is so very happy that he speaks very quickly with words that are not good. His physical condition may be totally uncontrolled so that he destroys all furniture in the house, attacks other people around him or perhaps damages himself. At the depressive stage, he may be completely unresponsive, refusing to answer questions or wait long before answering. He may cry for a long time and may also want to die. [10]
o Symptoms when manic (excited, exited)
1. The sufferer is still very active, very noisy and runs here and there. there are lots of movements. Many speak of stinging fast and cheerful laughter; like singing and singing dirty words or language. Usually patients are very nervous.
2. He is very impatient and intolerant. Become irritable and nervous.
3. His consciousness is blurred, his ideas are mixed up, he no longer knows the prohibitions and restrictions (inhibition)
4. There is total disorientation of space, place, and time.
5. The emotion is short and explosive. In a state of excitement this often involves violence, slamming and destroying everything that can be reached. He became noisy and ran around madness.
6. Patients feel always chased by illusions and hallucinations - visual and aural hallucinations; also delusional person.
7. At a severe stage, when the patient experiences manic, he can carry out attacks, violence and attempts to kill another person or commit suicide.
Symptoms at depressive include:
1. Patients become melancholy, depressive, very sad, crying a lot, suffering from fear and anxiety.
2. Her feelings are never satisfied. Feeling useless and wasteful in his life. He felt alone in the world, being positive, indifferent, and apathetic.
3. Occupied with hallucinations and delusions that are frightening or cause pain. There is regret - regret for mistakes and sins in the past.
4. Feeling weary of life and despair. He wants to die and make suicidal attempts. Sometimes accompanied by symptoms of complete stupor, or with catelepsy (the whole body becomes stiff and cannot be moved by a bent) he stays silent for a long time, does not want to talk, and refuses to eat and drink.
5. Awareness of blurring is usually accompanied by motor redertation, and mental retardation worsens
o Manic levels / degrees
a. The level of hypomania (hypo = less; mania = madness). Excessive anxiety. The patient becomes very active, knows no boredom. Speaking fast, happy and passionate, he becomes very irritable, intolerant of mania and impatient.
b. Acute level of mania. His thoughts and ideas move quickly or alternately, so that his speech is unclear and lags (out of mind), loses the ability to ionize, and his consciousness becomes blurred.
c. Mania hyperakut. There is an urge to do violence and fight. It is destructive followed by extraordinary exhaustion. There is a total sort of time, place and people followed by delirium, hallucinations and missing insights.
o Depressive degree / degree

Common features of depression or melancholia are;
a. There is motor and mental retardation, moodiness; no activity at all. Hypochondrial delusions are followed, while the levels of depression and their characteristics are as follows: Limitations of ordinary retardation: there is a feeling of despair and despair. Lost his ambition. There is a mental rental process, and the motor responses become very slow. His orientation and memory have not been much disturbed.
b. Acute Melancholia (Acute Melancholia): lost activity. His personality tends to isolate himself totally. In hypochondria, he was filled with delusions of self-blame. There are feelings of sin, thoughts that are not real, and delusions feel despicable, miserable and very poor.
c. Stupor Depressive (Depressive Stupor): he is completely frozen, silent. He refused to speak, eat or move. The patient is completely isolated from his environment. His consciousness became blurred because many were in mixed delusions. Many sufferers of this type of psychosis always move from depression / melancholy status to switch to status mania (axited).
Pragnosa and healing: there is a possibility of cure, especially if treatment is given at the initial stage of the disease. The most important thing is: preventive efforts; that is teaching children and young people to express their emotions with a positive mechanism, and avoiding excessive over-emphasis on their emotional outbursts. [11]
c. Paranoia psychosis
Paranoia is a very serious mental disorder, characterized by the emergence of torture delusions (delusion of persecution) or a delusion of grandeur which is systematized with a mild deterioration of jiwani and seized with many fixed ideas (ideas that are wrong and constantly attached).
Approximately 70% of paranoia sufferers are men. They are always covered with delusions, especially delosion of grandeur and delusion of persection, jealousy, jealousy and suspicion. In general they are not disturbed by hallucinations. Patients generally consider themselves superior and have extraordinary talents, feel that they have divine or Nabian talents. Many leaders, agitators and reformers are nervous / who have these paranoid symptoms.
Paranoia symptoms:
a) Always followed by delusions: delusion of grandeur, delusion of persecution, envy. Usually these delusions are fixed "systematized" ideas. Sufferers become gods, prophets or great leaders.
b) His mental life does not experience dementia. His mind is still logical; but his ideas are always wrong, especially fixed ideas (rigorous erroneous thoughts, false assumptions of compulsion).
c) The disorder is generally compensatory; that is, there are feelings of guilt and sin, feelings of inferiority, jealousy, envy and others that are projected on others to defend their own ego. So that the patient is seized by delusions as defense mechanism and inferior tastes, guilt and negative feelings.
o Paranoia psychosis causes:
1. The tendencies of homosexuals and depressed sexual drives, which are then frued.
2. Ideas that are laden are loaded with extraordinary effects.
3. Incorrect thinking habits, caused by jealousy, selfish, egocentric. Too sensitive and often subject to suspicion.
4. Are forms of compensation for their failures and inferior complexes; or there is defense mechanism to feel guilty and guilty. Often too super feelings grow and others than ordinary people. [12]

o Treatment of Paranoid Personality Disorders
The difficulty faced by therapists (therapists) in this disorder is that the patient is not aware of any interference with him and feels that he does not need help from the therapist. Only a few of those who want to seek treatment on their own accord. And often patients who are being treated do not believe and reject the therapist.
Treatment of this disorder is more focused on behavioral therapy, while drug therapy is generally ineffective.
Behavioral therapy in this disorder, needs to be seen as the past "anger" of patients as the basis for creating good interpersonal relationships. Then, it helps control patient anxiety and improves the ability of interpersonal relationships. [13]

From the above explanation it can be concluded that mental illness known as psychosis is essentially: severe mental disorder that occurs in all aspects of personality, the sufferer can no longer relate to reality because he lives in his own world, sufferers of this disease do not realize that he is sick and healing can only be done by other parties not by themselves.
In general, psychosis is divided into two, namely organic and functional. The discussion of mental illness is more likely to be discussed in functional psychosis. In this functional psychosis there is a mental disorder (functionally) that is non-organic in nature, resulting in personal division or division. This personality disintegration results in a severe formal maladjustment, so that the sufferer is cut off from his relationship with living reality outside. He became socially incompetent. Included in this functional psychosis group are schizophrenia, manic-depressive, and paranoia.
Ardi Ardiani, Tristiadi; Tri Rahayu, Iin; Solichatun, Yulia; Clinical Psychology, Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2007 disorders.html/19042012/23:22
Kartono, Kartini, Hygene Mental. Bandung: Cv. Mandar Maju, 2003
Semiun, Yustinus, Mental Health 3, Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2006
Wihartati, Wening, Abnormal Psychology Module, Semarang: IAIN Walisongo, 2011

[1] Wening Wihartati, Abnormal Psychology Module, Semarang: IAIN Walisongo, 2011, Hal. 41
[2] Tristiadi Ardi Ardiani, Iin Tri Rahayu, Yulia Solichatun, Clinical Psychology, Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2007, pp. 30-31
[3] Kartini Kartono, Hygene Mental. Bandung: Cv. Mandar Maju, 2003. Pg. 128
[4] Wening Wihartati, Op.Cit. P. 43
[5] Yustinus Semiun, Mental Health 3, Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2006, Hal. 21
[6] Kartini Kartono, Op.Cit. P. 131
[7] Kartini Kartono, Op.Cit. P. 133
[8] Kartini Kartono, Op.Cit. P. 135
[9] Yustinus Semiun, Op.Cit. P. 33
[10] Yustinus Semiun, Op.Cit. P. 106
[11] Kartini Kartono, Op.Cit. P. 135-139
[12] Kartini Kartono, Op.Cit. P. 141
[13] disorders.html/19042012/23:22

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